An Ode to The Pumpkin

9 May 2022 by Mick in: Mick's Garden Blog

I’ve been sneaking around the garden and could see so much work completed over the weekend - definitely more work done when I’m not there - the peas have grown rapidly and the pea tendrils have been gently wound amongst the trellis to encourage the more abundant growth, the bed surrounding the peas has been neatly turned over and looks so fertile, the border of sunflowers stand like sentinels to protect the peas and then at the end of the bed the rocket has blasted off to stratospheric appearance and the large leaves have a wonderful peppery flavour that just adds another dimension to salads, egg sandwich or just as a straight snack - come out back and pick some!

Mandarins growing

The first photo shows the good crop of mandarins that are gradually changing to an orange hue and protected by our netting from any hungry birds circling above.

Look at THIS pumpkin!

But I have been waxing lyrical about pumpkins these last few weeks and again I must say they are so numerous and nearly all Kent variety, except the second photo that shows a single butternut standing proud ( lying down really)….. so here is

An Ode to The Pumpkin

Oh pumpkin plump and luscious
You spread out far and wide
From a single seed you are delicious
There’s nothing about pumpkins you can hide
Large leaves with spidery thistles
Do not detract from your tasty delight
Just one sample will make you whistle,
You’ll definitely know you’ve eaten right

Happy gardening