
7 Jun 2022 by Warren Holland in: Mick's Garden Blog


The morning started in controversy with someone advising that there was NO morning tea; well that really upset me and nearly sent me home early- you garden , you have morning tea - it’s just the nature of things
Luckily what happened was they didn’t see the lovely cake that was there waiting for us, so with renewed hope in the world, gardening could commence full steam ahead.
As our first photo shows we have removed the sorry looking spinach ( don’t worry there is more growing strongly in another bed or two) and planted celery. Margaret having researched this plant for her PhD, has placed the young plants within a small pipe that can expand, which keeps the celery stalks very straight and let’s them grow up and not fall over and break.
Lots of fertilising completed on our cabbages and broccoli - the cabbages now beginning to get a firm head; no signs of broccoli florets yet , but they will appear soon. The red cabbages that were eaten by the nasty white moths have come good and definitely looking like we will get a crop from them.
Lawrie did the hard yards and removed the black compost bin and then the contents were liberally spread over the young berry, coriander, chilli and both our kiwi fruit trees.
Our sunflowers have been buffeted by the winds and we have now staked these, nothing worse than seeing a droopy sunflower!
Again the broad beans and peas continue to do the right thing and more work was done to assist them in staying upright by entwining tendrils in the trellis or stringing further rows to keep them well contained.
Photo 2 shows the large harvest of tuberous artichokes dug up and taken for distribution for our congregation- we hope they were well cooked and enjoyed with limited side effects!
Let’s hope the sun keeps shining
Happy gardening
