Garden tour

28 Jun 2022 by Mick in: Mick's Garden Blog

Lovely to see a new friendly face on Saturday; Muni joined us for a tour of the garden and importantly morning tea. I’m always happy to share my extra slice of cake to a new potential  gardener or a visitor.

So after we let Maria loose to show Muni around and he still came back we got into the serious part of morning tea!

Yes we did work as well - with these lovely sunny days and a little wind our garden dries out quite quickly , so watering is part of the routine at present, and until more rain, we are unable to use the water tanks.

Early on we used some wonderful initiative to prop up the overhanging peas that keep heading upwards and flowering with a delicate white blossom. Several handfuls were picked and taken home (or eaten on the spot!)

Margaret and Lawrie were away , but Pat , Marguerite and Maria tried to keep me working……..a lost cause really.

We have a large hand of bananas slowly ripening under a large gene / silver bag, they are destined for Lawrie’s garage for final ripening touches and then consumed if not made into jam.

We expect to pick some mandarins next week and maybe pak choi; also I think we will harvest the lettuces before they go to seed - did you know that autumn and winter is actually growing season for lettuce!

Photos show the ever hardening cabbage heads and another good crop of silver beet - seems to be our one perennial crop and universally liked by our crew.




   Silver Beet

Everyone always welcome to come and bask in the sun and have a cuppa whilst the work load is minimal

Happy gardening