Rain, rain, go away

17 Apr 2022 by Mick in: Mick's Garden Blog

Rain, sun, rain, sun and on it goes, but did it dampen our spirits - I’ll lie a little - of course not!

It was amazing that the working crew accomplished so much including broccoli sown, sweet potatoes dug up, compost heaps replenished with mown grass and shredded newspapers, Lawrie constructed an extension of the passionfruit trellis ; so much growth but not a lot of fruit……..yet
I just love watching everyone working.

My watching was cut short by another downpour so morning tea was taken and much discussion ensued. We were nearly ready to go back to work when Warren arrived , so politely we stayed with him for his cuppa; again work beckoned but fortunately Elisabeth arrived , so we all enjoyed a very extended round table chat.

In the interest of fair play I wanted to get a photo of Pat in the rain as last week Pat was shown in the sun with a shadow, but  I wasn’t successful in this quest.

To our photos below showing the growth of the peas after just one week , then after another week. So far looking really good as are our pumpkins - simply sprouting everywhere.

Easter this week, so no
gardening this Saturday; have a sleep in, but remember Easter‘s message is that Christ was crucified and raised from the dead so that we might live.

Happy gardening.


Neighbourhood Garden > Micks Musings