Water does not stop these gardeners

5 Jul 2022 by Mick in: Mick's Garden Blog

By now you all know that I just love to watch people working, but I realised last Saturday that my enjoyment was even greater if those workers were out in the rain , whilst I was still nice and dry!
Hence the magic of the first photo - yes raining for two days and still coming down, but Margaret and Lawrie are out in the weather in their wellies, picking mandarins and as you can see by our second photo, they picked them by the bucket load which were shared with Maria and Lyn who sensibly arrived for morning tea only.

So many picked that we were able to provide plenty with our congregation on Sunday morning. Having sampled one each over the past four weekends , I can attest that each week the fruit became a little less tart and now taste very pleasant; and still more on the tree.

A lovely chocolatey,  peanuty slice was enjoyed with a cuppa  and due to the diminished numbers there were even a few left - but I did try my best.

Yes after morning tea those two intrepid gardeners Margaret and Lawrie were back out to split a rhubarb crown (the root) into three and planted them under grey skies! What dedication, what foolishness!

So now being pretty waterlogged, Margaret proceeded to list duties for next Saturday as they headed off to sunny Darwin to dry out for a week.

Like all things there is a good and bad side - with rain, our water tanks will now be full and no watering required for a least this week.

Safe travels Margaret and Lawrie; come on out Mr Sun so I can push the crew around next Saturday.

Happy gardening
